"Blending the art of coaching with the science of the swing."

"Those who dare to teach,
My years of experience, coaching certifications, technology provided and my spectrum of education give reason for the rates I offer. My coaching journey has led me down many paths beginning with Titleist Performance Institute. In my years since first being introduced to TPI (2011), I have studied golf biomechanics, human anatomy & biomechanics, basic neuroscience and many areas that improve my ability to coach more effectively. I have taken courses/studied under Mark Bull (Bull3d), Chris Welch, Scott Cowx, BioSwing Dynamics, Andres Kali, and have worked with many great coaches to improve my craft.
should never cease to learn."
In 1996 I moved from Missoula, MT to Temecula, CA to get into year round golf. I was hired at a local golf course at the bottom of the ladder washing golf carts. With-in 6 months I was moved into the golf shop and with-in 1 year of that I started my Apprenticeship with the PGA of America. In October of 2000 I completed my Apprenticeship and in January of 2001 was elected to PGA Class A Membership. I started learning to teach golf and fit golf clubs in early 1997. I found out very quickly that getting better at golf and the clubs you use go hand-in-hand. To this day, I make club fitting a component of my instruction because it is so important.
In 2009, I was the Head Golf Professional at The Country Club at Soboba Springs. We hosted a major championship for the PGA Tour Nationwide Tour, called the Soboba Classic. During the four years we hosted the tournament, I was able to meet, interact and play golf with some of the tour players. The desire to better understand not only golf swing mechanics but every aspect of the whys of successes and failures of golf, drove me to the Titleist Performance Institute and their certification program. It was there where I was introduced to a basic understanding of how to better understand the physical capabilities of my students. That started my next journey of leaving the club professional side of the golf industry and move to full time teaching/coaching.
Since then, I have interacted with some of the industries best minds. I have taken basic courses in Golf Swing Biomechanics, Human Biomechanics, Anatomy, and read books on the neuroscience of how we best learn complex movements. I have spent countless hours coaching with Trackman, Flightscope and (now) Foresight GCQuad launch monitors and have a high proficiency in utilizing the data. Although I don't have a 3D coaching system (definitely a goal), I study under Mark Bull (Bull3d), Mike Kay and Chris Welch and have a strong understanding when it comes to assessing movement and understanding 3d.
What has all of this given me? The ability to take the person in front of me, understand what they can and cannot do, decide how to maximize your capabilities and adapt around limitations to help you evolve. I believe in giving you information; for the golf swing is a very complex series of motions. Anyone that says the golf swing is simple and says technology complicates learning is not a realist. Technology in skilled hands makes teaching and learning much more efficient. It won't be long until AI will replace golf coaches because it will have the ability to understand ones physicality, movement abilities in terms of biomechanics and give an accurate way to improve in all facets. Currently, there are more and more coaches out there embracing understanding human anatomy and biomechanics but still there aren't enough. Too many try to put you into a swing model and have no understanding of the why's of how you can and cannot move.
I am constantly trying to learn more about all facets of what it takes to play good golf as consistently as possible. I attend webinars, in person seminars, take on-line education courses, and read research papers and books. "Those who dare to teach, should never cease to learn."
I have taught for 25+ yrs. Prior to opening Evolution Golf Academy in 2020, I taught for 2 years the Lorena Ochoa Golf Academy (now called the Nest at Goose Creek Golf Club), and as the Director of Instruction at Bear Creek Golf Club for 4 years.

My Family
Wife Dana - 30yr elementary school teacher
Oldest daughter Lily
Middle daughter Molly
Youngest daughter Anna
I was born and raised in Missoula, MT and still call that home even though I have lived in Temecula, CA since 1996. I lived for 2 years while in high school in Lubbock, TX as well. I grew up in bowling alleys and was as devoted to that craft (until I was about 20) as I have been with golf. Before moving to California to become a golf professional, I worked as a landscaping crew supervisor and a poker dealer/room manager.
Outside of my family and golf, I have little time for other distractions. I don't drink, smoke or have any vices. I believe in God and believe the world is more good than evil. I try to keep life simple and in the moment. Life is a blessing and is short. I hope that everyone I come in contact with takes something positive away from our interaction.